“Give Back” Referral Rewards January 2022

January 26, 2022

We would like to thank the following people for referring to us during December:Give back LOGO to represent our efforts to support local charities.

Tanner Bartlein
Ammon Gita0
Kay Kai
Laurie Skagen
Dan Varelia
Nick Varelia

Each of the referrers will receive a $10 gift card. A matching $20 donation for each referral totaling $120 was made to our December charity of the month  Make-A-Wish Alaska and Washington. ”

Our January charity of the month will again be Make-A-Wish Alaska and Washington. It’s truly amazing what wishes can do. A wish renews hope, uplifts spirits, and encourages the belief in the impossible. Research shows a wish can give kids the strength to fight against and even overcome a critical illness. You can either support our charity by referring friends or family for quotes or by donating directly to the charity.”

Your referrals are always appreciated!