Category: Auto Insurance

  • What to Do After a Car Accident: A Step-by-Step Guide

    We hope you are never in a car accident. Knowing what to do immediately after an accident and how to file a claim can help make this experience less stressful. Here’s what you need to know. At the Scene Once an accident occurs, stay calm and courteous and do your best to protect yourself and […]

    January 8, 2025

  • ID 294411313 | Rat © Monikabaumbach |

    How to protect your car from rodents!

    Periodically look for signs of rats, such as droppings, urine, scratches, chewed wire, damaged belts, gathered nesting materials, and exposed fiber insulation.  Here are some tips to keep your vehicle rodent-free.  If you suspect a rodent problem, clean the car outside your garage while wearing protective rubber gloves because rodents can carry diseases. Then, inspect for damage. If you see any damage from rodents, take immediate action to deter the animals and keep your car running. Any chewed wires are a serious concern, making the car unsafe to drive and requiring professional assessment and likely repair.

    November 8, 2024

  • Green car parked on top of cash.

    The Best Auto Insurance Discounts for Maximum Savings

    Discover the keys to maximum savings on auto insurance. Learn about top discounts, qualifying criteria, and tips for applying them effectively. Before you can be a driver on the road, you have to have auto insurance. A good policy isn’t just a requirement, it’s also a safety net that can provide you with financial protection […]

    April 11, 2024

  • Car driving on a snowy road

    5 Tips for Safe Driving in the Winter

    Learn how to keep you and your loved ones safe while out on the roads this winter. Brisk winter weather may bring joy to children hoping for a snow day, but it’s a little less inspiring for drivers looking at a difficult trip or commute. Regardless of what type of vehicle you drive, preparing for […]

    January 18, 2024

  • What Is a Hard Insurance Market? What Does It Mean for You?

    Why does your rate go up even if you haven’t filed a claim? Insurance is a system where individuals pay premiums into a pool of funds that is used to pay for claims when they arise. However, when there are too many claims and the pool of funds is depleted, insurance rates increase for everyone not only the people that have had the claims.

    We get it. It stinks to pay money for something you hope to never have to use.

    However, despite how much we dislike paying for it, insurance remains a crucial aspect of our lives because it protects us financially against catastrophic losses.

    December 15, 2023

  • Caucasian man sitting behind steering wheel driving, while holding the steering wheel with his left hand, yawning and holding up his right hand over his mouth, with his eyes closed.

    Drowsy Driving? Don’t Do It

    Don’t drive drowsy! Follow these tips to protect yourself and the others on the road with you from drowsy driving. Drowsy driving can happen to anyone. A survey by the National Sleep Foundation revealed that over half of adults in the United States drive drowsy consistently, and 20% admitted to falling asleep behind the wheel […]

    November 8, 2023

  • Business man in suit holding hand over small wood house with three small wood people.

    Is Your Insurance Coverage Enough?

    Do you have adequate insurance coverage for your home and vehicle? Would you know if you did? Find out here whether your home is underinsured. Whether auto or homeowners, insurance is a powerful form of protection against disasters. Insurance makes rebuilding possible when something unexpected happens, whether a house fire or a car crash. Unfortunately, […]

    February 8, 2023

  • Car with cooked turkey strapped to roof.

    Driving this Thanksgiving: Safety Tips That Save Lives

    Safe driving saves lives. If you’re traveling this holiday season, follow these tips to protect yourself and others on the road with you.   Traveling during the holidays brings us closer to family and loved ones, but sometimes, traveling also puts us in harm’s way. According to the National Safety Council, 406 people died in […]

    November 9, 2022

  • Washington State Insurance Credit Ban News

    The latest development and news is that on July 29, 2022, Thurston Superior Court Judge Indu Thomas ruled that the Office of the Insurance Commissioner lacked the statutory authority to unilaterally ban the use of credit information for rating and underwriting. This means that currently insurance companies are allowed to use credit information when deciding whether or not to offer someone insurance and to calculate how much to charge them.

    August 18, 2022

  • man in new car

    Insurance Coverage for Your New Car

    Congratulations! After weeks of research, comparing makes and models, and taking test drives you finally bought that brand-new car you wanted. But before you take that well-deserved road trip, check one more item off your list: the right car insurance. While some auto coverage options are essential whatever the age of your car, new vehicles […]

    August 15, 2022