Our Blog

  • January 2015 “Give Back” Referral Announcements

      We want to thank the following people for referring friends and family to A&M during the month of December: Frederick Baluca Aaron Brown Shirley McGarry Bruce Pinkerton Doug Restad Grace Ringler Greg Schmidt Lisa Schultz Mike Skagen Chau Tran Tom Waiss Michelle Wyatt   Thank you for all the referrals!! Your referrals are best compliment […]

    January 16, 2015

  • Stinky’s riddles- January 2015

     How much dirt is there in a hole that  measures two feet by three feet by four feet? Email your answer to Stinky at insured@aminsurance.com by  February 10th and if you are correct you will be entered in a drawing for a $10 Starbucks’s gift card. Solution to the December riddle was: incorrectly Participants that answered correctly:  Dayna Garner, Gary […]

    January 15, 2015

  • Holiday Pet Travel?

    Make sure your pets travel well The holiday season is here . For many who have families far away, this is the time they pack up and get out of Washington to visit relatives. If you are gearing up to travel and have pets at home, you’re probably considering their options, perhaps a dog sitter, […]

    December 12, 2014

  • Stinky’s riddles- December 2014

    Are You Smarter Than Stinky? What is the eleven letter word that all Yale graduates spell incorrectly?     Email your answer to Stinky at insured@aminsurance.com by  January 14th and if you are correct you will be entered in a drawing for a $10 Starbucks’s gift card. Solution to the November riddle was: It is a picture of his son. […]

    December 12, 2014

  • November 2014 “Give Back” Referral Announcements

    We want to thank the following people for referring friends and family to A&M during the month of November:   Mike Lind   Jeff Poe   Dayna Garner     Thank you for all the referrals!!  Your referrals are best compliment you can give us. Each of them will receive a $2 bill and a matching […]

    December 12, 2014

  • November is Child Safety & Protection month

    The goal of Child Safety & Protection Month is to create awareness about the potential dangers children face in everyday situations and to use this new knowledge to prevent injuries, and death. Vehicle Safety: Washington’s Child Restraint law: Children under 13 years old be transported in the back seat where it is practical to do […]

    November 18, 2014

  • Stinky’s riddles- November 2014

      Looking at a picture a man says ” Brothers add sisters I have none, but that man’s father is my father’s son.” Whose picture is it?   Email your answer to Stinky at insured@aminsurance.com by December 14th and if you are correct you will be entered in a drawing for a $10 Starbucks’s gift card. Solution […]

    November 18, 2014

  • November 2014 “Give Back” Referral Announcements

    We want to thank the following people for referring friends and family to A&M during the month of October: Sondra Baillargeon Lynn Lyons Jordan Jenson Valeriy Buntylo Henry Lee D’Ann Tedford   Thank you for all the referrals!!  Your referrals are best compliment you can give us. Each of them will receive a $2 bill and […]

    November 13, 2014

  • Grand Prize Drawing

      Announcing Roger Davis as our November 2014 Grand Prize Drawing Winner of $590 donation to Charity Roger has selected Neighborcare Health as the recipient. Neighborcare Health is Seattle’s largest community health clinic, providing primary medical and dental care to 52,000 patients each year, regardless of insurance or ability to pay. Neighborcare Health’s first clinics were established in 1968, and […]

    November 13, 2014

  • October 2014 “Give Back” Referral Announcements

    We want to thank the following people for referring friends and family to A&M during the month of September: SUSAN ROGERS KRISTI WAISS LISA LEFRANCOIS MIKE MARINELLI ELISHA GITAU       Thank you for all the referrals!!  Your referrals are best compliment you can give us. Each of them will receive a $2 bill and […]

    October 22, 2014