Stinky’s Riddles March 2021

March 10, 2021

Are you smarter than Stinky?

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A cowboy rides into town on Friday. He only stays in town for three days, but he leaves on Friday. How is this possible?


Email your answers to Stinky by April 5th and if you are correct you will be entered in a drawing for a $10 Starbucks gift card.

The solution to the February Riddle “You see a boat filled with people, yet there is not a single person on board. How is that possible?“:  They are all married people.

Participants that answered correctly: Karen Charley, Christine Courtney, Matt Froehlich, Ty Galvin, Mary Grab, Paul & Dorothy Henry,  Bryan Hurst, Susan Jacobi, Alan Jacobsen, Travis & Ann Johnson, Audrey Kito, Bruce Koch, Dave Liesse, Brian Ludwig, Brett MacDonald, John McRoberts, Tom Myers, Jim Norlund, David & Mary Schott, Kathryn Stewart, and Peggy Zelinsky


The riddle drawing winner is Suan Jacobi.
