Stinky’s Riddle October 2021
October 20, 2021
Are you smarter than Stinky?
What has a head and tail, but no body?
Email your answers to Stinky by November 10th and if you are correct you will be entered in a drawing for a $10 Starbucks gift card.
The solution to the September Riddle “A man leaves home, makes three left turns & comes home to find two masked men there. What is this all about?: It is baseball and he hit a home run.
Participants that answered correctly: Karen Charley, Ann Davis, Matt Froehlich, Dorothy & Paul Henry, Lynn Howland, Susan Jacobi, Ann Johnson, Audrey Kito, Bruce Koch, Lyn McKay, Ric Nicholson, Jim Norlund, Frank Phillips, John Redl, Jesse Robertson, Dave Serfling, Stanton Simon, Mark Smith, Joanna Szabo, and Jon Wyatt.
The riddle drawing winner is Frank Phillips. Congrats Frank!