Herby Hasselback Butternut Squash
November 19, 2019
I get very excited to be in the kitchen during Autumn. The abundant overflowing bins of cruciferous vegetables, apples, wild mushrooms and squash call me to take them home. They are like beautiful delicious treasures waiting to be properly discovered. There is nothing more satisfying than uncovering the golden glowing hue of a winter squash once you split open it’s outer shell! Roasting, baking or soup making, I challenge you to find a more delightful and comforting food during our coldest and darkest months. There are many favorite winter squash dishes in my recipe box, but this newest hit maker is a visual show stopper at the dinner table! We’re eating many more vegetables at our home and my Herby Hasselback Butternut Squash recipe looks great on a serving platter and tastes delicious in your mouth. It’s also really simple to make! Enjoy!

Herby Hasselback Butternut Squash
Herby Hasselback Butternut Squash
1 small butternut squash
2 T. butter
1 garlic clove minced
1 t. maple syrup
¼ t. chili flakes
¼ t. Worcestershire sauce
½ t. each sage, rosemary & thyme
Salt & pepper to taste
Heat oven to 400 degrees
While oven is heating up, cut squash in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds with a spoon.
Use a vegetable peeler, peel off the thin layer of outside skin.
Place the halves face down on a baking sheet.
In a small sauce pan, melt butter, add all ingredients except salt and pepper and remove from heat.
Brush top sides of squash with half of melted butter mixture, sprinkle w/ salt and pepper then roast in oven for 20 minutes.
Remove from oven and let cool for 5-10 minutes and then slice top thinly using a sharp knife. Try not to cut all the way through.
Brush rest of melted butter mixture onto squash and return to oven for another 15-20 minutes or until tender.
Transfer to serving plate and garnish with fresh herbs such as rosemary or thyme.
-Tracey Bartel
Gourmond & Insurance Agent