Our Blog

  • Stinky’s Riddles December

    Riddle of the month:   Until I am measured, I am not known. Yet how you miss me, When I have flown! What am I?     Email your answer to Stinky at insured@aminsurance.com by January 15th and if you are correct you will be entered in a drawing for a $10 Starbucks’s gift card. Last month’s riddle: […]

    December 28, 2012

  • Referral Rewards Announcements for November

    Announcing Our November Dinner Card Winner: Yevgeniy Yarosh We want to thank the following people for referring to us during November: Mike Skagen Dale Jensen Yevgeniy Yarosh      

    December 27, 2012

  • How to kitty proof your tree

    If you celebrate Christmas and have a cat and a tree then you may have a disaster waiting to happen. Your cat is probably obsessed with your tree. 1) Consider what type of tree you want.  A real tree could be more dangerous than an artificial tree because the needles on a real tree are sharper […]

    December 13, 2012

  • Thinking of getting a puppy for the Holidays?

    Did you know that dog bite claims accounted for  more than one-third of all homeowner insurance liability claims paid out in 2011?  The average claim pay out was $29,396 in 2011. Homeowners and renters insurance policies typically cover dog bite liability and will insure homeowners with dogs. However, some breeds are usually deemed ineligible by insurance […]

    November 29, 2012

  • Referral Rewards announcements for October

    Announcing Our September Dinner Card Winner: Bethany Merritt We want to thank the following people for referring to us during October: Cody Baker Gale Burley Kimny Cheng Mary Grab Andre Kaduchok Bethany Merritt Chris Siegfried    

    November 16, 2012

  • Stinky’s Riddles- November

    Riddle of the month:  When I am filled,  I can point the way;  When I am empty,  Nothing moves me.  I have two skins,  One without and one within.  What am I?     Email your answer to Stinky at insured@aminsurance.com by December 15th and if you are correct you will be entered in a drawing for a […]

    November 15, 2012

  • Winter Storms Ahead: Are You Ready?

      We admit it: As insurance pros, our picture of winter in the Pacific Northwest isn’t exactly cozy. Winter storms mean traffic snarls, hillsides turning to sheets of ice, and cars sliding around like hockey pucks. Cold temperatures can cause pipes to burst, frost swells and other damage. Heating your home with fireplaces and holiday […]

    November 6, 2012

  • Stinky’s Riddles

    Riddle of the month: I can be cracked, I can be made. I can be told, I can be played. What am I?       Email your answer to Stinky at insured@aminsurance.com by November 15th and if you are correct you will be entered in a drawing for a $10 Starbucks’s gift card. Last month’s riddle: You do not […]

    October 19, 2012

  • Referral Rewards Announcements for September

    Announcing Our September Dinner Card Winner: Peter Galando We want to thank the following people for referring to us during September: Anji Arnot Kathleen Eisenman Peter Galando Joe Hicks Yin-Jen Lai-Huff Henry Lee

    October 19, 2012

  • Are the batteries dead?

    When was the last time you tested your smoke detector? According to the US Fire Administration 3,500 Americans die in fires and another 20,000 are injured each year.  Most fatalities happen in homes without working smoke alarms.   4 tips to maintain your smoke detector for your safety: Test smoke detectors monthly using the test button. […]

    October 10, 2012