Stinky’s Riddles August 2017

August 10, 2017

Are you smarter than Stinky?Stinky the Skunk logo

Take 2 apples from 3 apples and what have you got?


Email your answers to Stinky by September 6th, 2017 and if you are correct you will be entered in a drawing for your choice of either a $10 Starbucks’s gift card, or $10 Regal entertainment card.

Solution to the July Riddle is:  Never. The rope ladder is attached to the floating boat which goes up with the tide.

Participants that answered correctly: Jack Ault, Jose Ballesteros, Dave Carey, Christianne Cassinelli, Marty Hokanson, Alan Jacobsen, Audrey Kito, Dave Liesse, Linda Mock, Daniell Nadiv, Karen Scaffidi, Robert Schellhase, Stanton Simon, and Michelle Wyatt.

The winner of the $10 Regal Entertainment card is: Alan Jacobsen.