January 2017 “Give Back” Referral Announcements

January 9, 2017

We want to thank the following people for referring to A&M during December:

Dan Gates

Joe Hicks

Kalvin Holten

Ryan McDaniels

Paul Richter

Katrina Stuckey


Thank you for all the referrals!  Your referrals are the best compliment you can give us.

Each of the referrers will receive either a $10 Regal Entertainment card or a $10 Starbucks card. A matching $20 donation for each referral totaling $120 was given to support our charity of the month the Soup Ladies.

The Soup Lady’s mission is to “provide fresh cooked meals expeditiously to support the first responders such as police and fire departments, search and rescue teams and military personnel in times of emergencies and disasters.”  You can follow, like, and support this local group on their Facebook page.

We will donate $20 for every referral we receive in January to Maple Valley Special Athletics.  Maple Valley Special Athletics is a local non-profit organization. Their “primary purpose is to provide a community service by improving the special athletic and social programs in the Greater Maple Valley area.” MVSA offers financial assistance to local adaptive recreation programs to help pay for sporting equipment, uniforms, transportation, or accommodation expenses and also provides fun social events.