Stinky’s Riddles February 2021

February 9, 2021

Are you smarter than Stinky?

Stinky the Skunk logo

You see a boat filled with people, yet there is not a single person on board. How is that possible?


Email your answers to Stinky by March 5th and if you are correct you will be entered in a drawing for a $10 Starbucks gift card.

The solution to the January Riddle “What word begins and ends with an E, but only has one letter?”:  Envelope.

Participants that answered correctly:  Karen Charley, Samantha Galvin, Ty Galvin, Nathan Glaefke, Dave Liesse, Brett MacDonald, Danniell Nadiv, Geoff Nicholson,  Jim Norlund, Jesse Robertson, Dave Serfling, and Stanton Simon.

Don’t worry if you got this one wrong it stumped a lot of our regular participants.

The riddle drawing winner is: Brett MacDonald