Stinky’s Riddles- February 2015
February 14, 2015
The boat will carry only 200 pounds. A man and his two sons need to get across the river.

Are you smarter than Stinky the skunk?
How can a man weighing 200 pounds and his 2 sons, each weighing 100 pounds use the boat to cross the river?
Email your answer to Stinky at by March 10th and if you are correct you will be entered in a drawing for a $10 Starbucks’s gift card.
Solution to the January riddle was: none. There is no dirt in a hole.
Participants that answered correctly: Ann Avis, Trevor Bryant, Olesya Buntylo, Cheri Cason, Karen Charley, Al Deichsel, Bruce Dunlap, Alice Fitzgerald, Ty Galvin, Dayna Garner, Ellie Lathrop, Lisa LeFrancois, Dave Liesse, Brian Ludwig, Mike Marinelli, Lyn McKay, Jennifer Martin, Linda Mock, Anne Myrick, Ty PEterson Dan Piraino, Mary Richards, Mike Skagen, Mark Smith, Kathryn Stewart, Dave Thoeny, Audrey Tjan, Karen Wilcox, Michelle Wyatt and Dian Young.
The winner of the $10 Starbucks card is: Kathryn Stewart