Stinky’s Riddles-April 2015
April 10, 2015

Are you smarter than Stinky the skunk?
A frog is in a well 20 feet deep. He is able to jump up 5 feet each day but falls back 4 feet after hitting the wall.
How many days until he gets out?
Email your answer to Stinky at by May 10th and if you are correct you will be entered in a drawing for a $10 Starbucks’s gift card.
Solution to the March Riddle is: He says: ” You are going to hang me” They can’t hang him because that would mean he didn’t lie. They can’t shoot him because that would mean he didn’t tell the truth.
Participants that answered correctly: Jeanine Andres, Cheri Cason, Dayna Garner, Howard Hornreich, Audrey Kito, Linda Mock, Glenn Namatame, Mark Smith, Kim Taunt and Wendy Yadock.
The winner of the $10 Starbucks card is Audrey kito.