Cedar Plank Salmon Recipe
September 27, 2019

Cedar Plank Salmon Recipe
There is nothing that signifies NW cuisine more than salmon! There are several ways to cook it, but one of our household favorites is to cook it on a cedar plank on the grill. The smell of Autumn, smoking cedar and fresh dill are absolutely intoxicating!
I’m sharing one of my favorite quick and easy ways to prepare cedar planked salmon. It’s a simple easy recipe to prepare for visiting guests or for your family any night of the week!
Filet of salmon approximately 2 lbs.
1 t. seasoning salt
1 t. garlic powder
1 t. paprika
Few shakes of pepper
2 T. fresh dill fronds
5-6 thinly sliced lemons (seeds removed)
Soak your plank for 1-2 hours in water
Make sure pin bones are removed from your salmon (tweezers or needle nosed pliers work great for this) and place on cookie sheet. You may remove skin if you like. (I prefer to keep mine on)
Combine dry spices in a small bowl and sprinkle across the salmon.
Add the fresh dill and finish with lemon slices on the top. Can squeeze juice from ends of sliced lemons for added citrus taste.
Heat grill to approx. 400 degrees
When ready, place salmon onto plank and then onto the grill. Depending on the thickness of the filet and how much you like your fish cooked, check anywhere from 12-15 minutes and if it’s not flakey enough, leave it on for a few minutes longer. In my household if it’s just my husband and I eating, I cut the filet in two as I like to take my fish off a little earlier than he does!
Happy grilling!
Tracey Bartel
Agent & Gourmond