Category: Referral rewards

  • Give back LOGO to represent our efforts to support local charities.

    “Give Back” Referral Rewards February 2024

    ach of the referrers will receive a $10 gift card. The total we donated to Make-A-Wish Alaska and Washington Was $380.00.  Make-A-Wish Alaska and Washington grants “life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.” Currently, more than 600 children are waiting for wishes – the longest waitlist the chapter has ever had.  This chapter anticipates being able to grant 405 wishes this year to create hope.

    Our charity for February is Sound Generations (Meals on Wheels). There are many circumstances that can make shopping or preparing food difficult for older adults leading to food insecurity. 

    February 16, 2024

  • Give back LOGO to represent our efforts to support local charities.

    “Give Back” Referral Rewards January 2024

    We want to thank the following people for referring to us during December: Scott Bergstrom Corbin Hartle Carmen Ic Itza Mayya Rebrik Karla Shropshire Dan Varelia X 2 David Varelia Reyn Weiss Nina Wu Piotr Zabawa Laura Zingale     Each of the referrers will receive a $10 gift card. The total we donated to […]

    January 25, 2024

  • Give back LOGO to represent our efforts to support local charities.

    “Give Back” Referral Rewards December 2023

    We want to thank the following people for referring to us during November: Edwin Bjurstrom Sara Hall Shannon Mcginnis Alonso Rodriguez Mike Skagen Nermina Uhota Dan Varelia David Varelia Matt Varelia X 2 Nick Varelia X 5 Chris & Annie Wilcox   Each of the referrers will receive a $10 gift card unless they are […]

    December 15, 2023

  • Give back LOGO to represent our efforts to support local charities.

    “Give Back” Referral Rewards October 2023

    We would like to thank the following people for referring to us in September: JC Jolley, Diana Memic, Leonie Potts, Bill Renner, Matt Varelia (twice), and Nick Varelia (twice). Each of the referrers will receive a $10 gift card. A matching $20 donation for each referral totaling $160 was donated to the Serenity Equine Rescue […]

    November 21, 2023

  • Give back LOGO to represent our efforts to support local charities.

    “Give Back” Referral Rewards November 2023

    Our charity for the month of November is the Seattle Humane Society. The Seattle Humane Society directly impacts thousands of dogs, and cats each year, right here in our community! During their stay at the shelter, pets receive expert medical care, behavior training, loving attention, and opportunities for play and socialization. 

    October 6, 2023

  • Give back LOGO to represent our efforts to support local charities.

    “Give Back” Referral Rewards August 2023

    We want to thank the following people for referring to us during July: Tami Boczar Phil Flores Chelle Johnson Mahad Reesham Katrina Stuckey Mez Tefera Dan Varelia  (three times) Each of the referrers will receive a $10 gift card. A matching $20 donation for each referral in July totaling $180 was donated to Northwest Harvest. […]

    August 25, 2023

  • Give back LOGO to represent our efforts to support local charities.

    “Give Back” Referral Rewards July 2023

    Our July Charity is Northwest Harvest. Northwest Harvest provides food and resources to a broad network of food programs across Washington. Helping Washingtonians from Spokane to Aberdeen. Their Advocacy and Public Policy states, ” Hunger often happens when people are forced to make choices between eating and other essential needs like rent or medicine. Our advocacy work eliminates those difficult choices by ensuring that public resources serve people who struggle with food insecurity.

    July 12, 2023

  • Give back LOGO to represent our efforts to support local charities.

    “Give Back” Referral Rewards June 2023

    We want to thank the following people for referring to us during May: Gail Hackman Marty Hokanson Linda Mock Khalid Narf Dan Varelia David Varelia Matt Varelia x2 Each of the referrers will receive a $10 gift card. A matching $20 donation for each referral in May totaling $180 was made to the Seattle Children’s Hospital […]

    June 22, 2023

  • Give back LOGO to represent our efforts to support local charities.

    “Give Back” Referral Rewards May 2023

    We want to thank the following people for referring to us during April: Thomas Bryant Ammon Gitao Linda Mock Quynhvi Nguyen Sandra Robb Cristina Ticeson Dan Varelia (Twice) Abu Zaman   Each of the referrers will receive a $10 gift card. A matching $20 donation for each referral in April totaling $180 was made to The […]

    May 12, 2023

  • Give back LOGO to represent our efforts to support local charities.

    “Give Back” Referral Rewards April 2023

    We want to thank the following people for referring to us during March: Shannon and Gary Blatter Harold Carlson Jonathan Carmichael Robert Griffith (twice) Matthew Hosford Paul Jakse Cheryl Lewis Brenda Martin Matt Varelia (twice) Nick Varelia Dana Wilson Bunly Yun Each of the referrers will receive a $10 gift card. A matching $20 donation […]

    April 12, 2023