Stinky’s Riddles-September 2016

September 14, 2016

Are you smarter than Stinky?


A man buys a pair of shoes for $10 and gives the owner of a shoe store $20. Having no change, the owner goes to the barber next store, gets the change and gives the customer $10 and the shoes. Later the barber tells the owner that the $20 bill was counterfeit. so the shoe store owner gives the barber $20 to replace the counterfeit $20. If the shoes actually cost the shoe store owner $5, How much did he actually lose in the whole fiasco?

Email your answers to Stinky by September 30 2016 and if you are correct you will be entered in a drawing for your choice of either a $10 Starbucks’s gift card, or $10 Regal entertainment card.

Solution to the August Riddle is: = True. If there are 6 birdhouses, there can’t be more than 5 birds in any one house- and there cannot be zero birds in any one house since all must be occupied. Therefore, If the first five houses are filled with 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 birds, the sixth house must duplicate one of these numbers since it can’t have 6 or more (there are more birdhouses (6) than there are birds in any one house.)

Participants that answered correctly: Kristine Booth, Delwin Elder, Samantha Galvin, Scott Jankowski, Dave Liesse, Linda Mock, Glenn Namatame, Karen Scaffidi

The winner of the $10 Starbucks card is: Glenn Namatame